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Wildflower annuals

List and characteristics of Wildflower biennials List and charcteristics of Hardy Wildflower perennials
  • Aneth odorant (anethum graveolens) Dill : umbels of yellow perfumed flowers, grows to 70 cm in a rich well drained soil. Flowers between June and August in a sunny position.
  • Bleuet des champs (centaurea cyanus) Cornflower : an intense blue flower, grows to 60 cm in a loose drained soil . Flowers between May and August in a sunny position.
  • Bourrache officinale (Borago officinalis) Borage : starflower of an intense blue-pink, grows to 50 cm in a good garden soil. Flowers between May and September in half-shade or sun.
  • Chardon marie (Silybum marianum) Mary Thistle : purple flowers, shiny green leaves with white veins, grows to 100 cm in a loose well drained soil. Flowers between June and August in half-shade or sun.
  • Coquelicot (Papaver rhoeas) Poppy : large red petals, grows to 50 cm in a loose well drained soil. Flowers between May and July in a sunny position.
  • Coriandre (Coriandrum sativumum) Coriander : umbels of perfumed white flowers, grows to 30 cm in a light well drained soil. Flowers between June and July in a sunny position.
  • Fumeterre officinale (Fumaria officinalis) Earth Smoke : tubular purple-blue flowers in a cluster, grows to 30 cm in a light well drained soil. Flowers between March and July in half-shade or sun.
  • Lin (Linum usitatissimum) Flax : luminous blue flowers, grows to 50 cm in a good garden soil. Flowers between May and August in half-shade or sun.
  • Marguerite dorée (Chrysanthenum segetum) Corn Marigold : abundant yellow flowers, grows to 60 cm in a loose well drained soil. Flowers between June and August in a sunny position.
  • Matricaire camomille (Chamomilla recutita) Camomile : white and yellow flowers, grows to 40 cm in a loose well drained soil. Flowers between May and August in a sunny position.
  • Mauve sauvage (Malva sylvestris) Common Mallow : mauve-purple flowers on an erect stem, grows to 90 cm in a well drained fertile soil. Flowers between June and August in half-shade or sun.
  • Nielle des blés (Agrostemma githago) Common Corncockle : purple-pink flowers, grows to 70 cm in a loose well drained soil. Flowers between June and August in a sunny position.
  • Pensée sauvage (Viola tricolor) Heartsease or Wild Pansy : mixed purple, blue, yellow or white flowers, grows to 30 cm in a well drained non-chalky soil. Flowers between March and May in half-shade or sun.
  • Phacélie (Phacelia tanacetifolia) Lacy Phacelia : lavender blue flowers with toothed lobes, grows to 60 cm in a good garden soil. Flowers between May and September in half-shade or sun.
  • Pied d'alouette (Consolida regalis) Forking Larkspur : spikes of deep violet flowers, grows to 50 cm in a loose well drained soil. Flowers between June and September in half-shade or sun.
  • Souci des champs (Calendula arvensis) Field Marigold : small yellow-orange flowers, grows to 30 cm in a loose soil. Flowers between May and September in a sunny position.
  • Souci officinal (Calendula officinalis) Pot Marigold : yellow-orange flowers, grows to 60 cm in a well drained, even poor soil. Flowers between June and August in a sunny position.
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