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Usefulness of the hedge

  • The hedge ensures a climatic control, it withstands the movement of air masses and creates solar screens against radiation. It captures warmth and increases average temperatures in spring and autumn. It protects livestock from the wind, cold and sun.
  • The hedge also ensures water regulation by halting the rapid runoff of rainwater and allowing it to infiltrate into the soil. This conserves water by recharging the water-table.
  • In addition, it promotes a balance between species, improves the landscape and provides fruit, berries and wood products.
  • The ecosystem of the hedge works perfectly when a multitude of species are incorporated. It forms an ecological community or "biocoenosis".
Many animals frequent our hedgerows :
They are invaluable aids for agriculture and include pollinating insects and predatory birds that attack pests.
There are also salamanders, lizards, snakes, hedgehogs, hoopoes, warblers, nuthatches and red-backed shrikes (which impale their prey on thorns).

In preserved hedgerows you will see :
Sparrows, chased by the hawk, buzzards, goshawks, kestrels, (the symbol of our department), barn owls, and the long-eared owl.
..And the cardamine pratensis (the cuckoo flower), the lathraea clandestina (the purple toothwort), the anacamptis morio (the green-winged orchid), the hawthorn and the blackthorn, which are so lovely in the spring.
..Also the roebuck, woodpecker and the yellow-bellied toad.
..Lastly near to ponds and brooks:
The grey heron, the kingfisher, the majestic flight of grey cranes migrating to Africa ...
hedge hedge hedge hedge hedge hedge
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